Sunday, January 06, 2008

Beds 26 & 27 Ready

The two beds for Second Chance are sprayed and ready to assemble and deliver. We will deliver them Wednesday night. Mark Scott helped us build this one. Mark worked with me about 13 years ago and then we lost track of each other. He is in the process of dying of liver failure. With his time left, he wants to help us build beds of poor kids. Why? I am not exactly sure. I made the offer and he accepted. Maybe he responded to the rightness of it. Maybe he liked the idea of community.

These beds will be used by people coming off the streets, being provided a second chance. They will now be able to sleep in a beds, like the rest of us. Not on the ground. Not in a sleeping bag. Not on a pallet. In a bed with a mattress, sheets, blankets, and pillows.

Something good as been done. People gave money. People gave their time. People listened to their heart, heard the call, and obeyed the call. His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. How shall we mark this? With praise and shouts? Quietly with joy in our hearts? By taking communion? By standing shoulder to shoulder in community as we are with the men that will be using the beds?

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