Wednesday, January 30, 2008


We are making 3 sets of bunk beds at one time using our new jigs. Tonight we started on drilling the posts, all 24 of them! For each post, 124 holes need to be drilled, using three different bits. It's sweet that we don't have to measure where each hole goes. The new jig standardizes where the holes go. Engineers are my new best friends.

Keith is working on the drilling jig for the rails. An additional 96 holes need to be drilled in the rails. It is quite a contraption. It will really speed things up.

That's 660 holes that need to be drilled for the three beds.

Then we turned off the drills and tackled discipleship, love, practice, community.


Keith or Becky said...

Driving home tonight Becky and I were talking about how it's like we have been in love with the knowledge of our atonement & salvation. Discipleship, as a result, has revolved around our human efforts to share this "good news" while wondering when the Holy Spirit will move ("Waiting on the Lord"). Hopefully, we are beginning to fall in love with God, resulting in falling in love with His people. The chicken or the egg question is: Do we love and want to love others because of falling in Love with God? Or, is the emptiness of the knowledge based theology (mentioned above) causing us to be motivated to practice loving others? Is this practice then moving us to fall in Love with God (Kingdom Living)? Either way, it is amazing how meaningful community can be. We clearly have room for more discussion, love & practice (H3O). Mark and Linda, thanks for the example of people who faithfully love God and practice loving others.


Mark Edwards said...

We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

I John 2

I like vs 3 & 5. It is in our doing what he wants us to do that God's love is made complete in us and that we can really know Him. Not in waiting, not in professing, not in knowing, but in living like Jesus did.

He was compassionate. He wants us to be compassionate (Luke 6).

Crystal and her kids need some beds to sleep on. God wants us to build some for them. Why? Because he is that way. He is compassionate. He is speaking to our hearts to be the same way. He is challenging us to show compassion to Crystal and her children. Guess what will happen if we do? God's love will mature in us and we will really come to know him.

Becky is right, it is all about love.

This teaching from God is very direct. It is not in parable or hard to understand. We shouldn't be confused about "his will" or what he wants us to do.