We have faith.
We are practicing goodness with Crystal and her family.
Cut the plywood, sand and spray, then we will be done with three bunk beds. We have one mattress and the linen. We need 4 more mattresses. Crystal and her family are scheduled to move in on the 27th. We should have the beds done right on time. We have been collecting other household items to help them out. Maybe we can ask the church to do a "Pantry Pound" for them to fill their pantry.
We continue to think about Crystal and her family. We know that God has intense love and compassion for them. How about us? We are learning to. How does one truly love another that is not family or a friend, let alone love an enemy? This kind of exceptional love and mercy is certainly not natural. But God has called us to a new way of life. One where we let go of ourself and "participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." (so says Peter).
How do you lose yourself and open up yourself to this kind of grace? This is what we are struggling with in UC. And struggle we should. Peter (2 Peter 1) said, "for this reason, make every effort..." We have to try, struggle, do what it takes. He does have a specific recommendation on where to direct that effort (yeah for process!). He says "...to add to your faith goodness..." Let's make every effort to do this in our lives, and let's practice with Crystal. We have faith and we are doing something good. So far, so good. Then Peter says "... and to goodness, [add] knowledge..." The kind of knowledge he is referring to is not head or book knowledge, but one that is deeper, more perfect, and leads to moral wisdom. I think this is where we are at.
So as we prepare to deliver the beds to Crystal and her family, let's continue to meditate on the goodness, love, and compassion that God has for Crystal and her family. Let's lose ourself in this. Let's be mindful as we meet with the family, look into their eyes and be present with them as we drop the beds off. Let's practice being attentive to God's presence as we do this. Maybe when we do this, we will adding to our faith and goodness the knowledge of how to receive the grace that will allow us to better love others like God does.
Then we can tackle self-control and perseverance.
Routing the headboard
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