Saturday, March 29, 2008

Next Set of Beds

Tomorrow we will start on our next set of beds. These will be for William's kids. We will build two sets of bunk beds. The seven of them live in a two-bedroom duplex. The kids really need 5 beds, but I am not sure we can fit a third bed in the kids room.

While the beds are important, even necessary, what is more concerning is their longer-term plan. How are they going to make it with neither of them working? How are they going to move from a crisis to crisis mode of existence to a more stable mode where at least basic needs are being met? I worry that the present, immediate needs are preventing William from seeing the longer term. His family is hanging by a thread.

There may be a few options, some of which are not good. He needs to be open to someone life-walking with him. He needs someone to be willing to life-walk with him. If he is willing to be responsive, the church needs to consider appropriate, substantial help. Are we ready for this kind of involvement?


Markus Edwards said...

what is life-walking?

Mark Edwards said...

I's sorry, Mark. I was using code. It is one of those words like "walking with God" or "quiet time". Who knows what it means.

I should have used more description. I guess it means hanging with, being available, and being supportive and helpful with someone as they work through their junk. In this context, I think it would mean more of a mentoring relationship.