Nothing like having kids like this over to my house to make me realize my own fortune and duty. Nothing like doing something as simple as picking up $5 pizza's and going to the park to help me realize the profound impact of simple acts of love. Nothing like seeing, for the first time, smiles and laughter coming from a disturbed boy to help me recognize the value and magnificence of joy. Nothing like watching the innocent take in with marvel and wonder that which I treat as ordinary to challenge my callous indifference. Nothing like seeing the toll of impoverishment in the eyes of a youth old enough to recognize her position in society for me to sense injustice. Nothing like establishing beach heads for the kingdom.
There is nothing like this. Reading, discussing, listening to a sermon, or watching movies about situations like this are a poor substitutes.
All this from one, simple trip to the park. Is it a dream to think that simple acts like this can be multiplied? The will of the Father seems clear.

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