Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Social Justice AND evangelism 10

K: "To whom do you give credit for leading you to your conversion experience with Christ?"

That is a loaded question. Whatever answer I chose may cause the doctrinal police to come after me.

I could say, I don't know, but that would be a cope out, wouldn't it?

How would you respond?

Without thinking too hard about doctrinal questions, I am tempted to say:

"To my asking, seeking, knocking, and to the one who opened the door."

I can hear the sirens already. What does this make me, an Anabaptist, semi-pelagian? Don't hold your breath, I may change my mind.

All I know is that I was seeking at the time Greg accosted me. After that time I began to strongly pursue Jesus and his teachings. Was it because of Greg or in spite of Greg? If Greg had any influence, imagine how I would have responded to someone who actually tried to love me in addition to saying words. Greg went right to the words and skipped over the love part. He certainly wasn't hateful, he just had his agenda.

What in the heck did "Do you know Jesus as your personal savior?" mean to me at that time? Nothing. He was talking code - Christianese. He didn't take the time to translate that code into something I might understand or even bother to find out my name.

But he was "bold" and "unashamed". I am alright with bold and unashamed, I just have a problem with annoying. I suspect he was just following what he knew and had been taught, I just question what that was.

More of the story. What stayed in my mind after that encounter was nothing else Greg said except "God told me..." Other than his opening pick up line, I have no recollection of anything else he said, just that he was weird in his presentation and I did not like it.

More backstory. I had been practicing meditation and eastern spirituality at the time and was putting lots of effort into connecting with God (the seeking, asking, knocking part), but could not say that God told me anything. Along comes this jerk who God is speaking to. What the heck?!?! So I swallowed my pride and I sought out Greg, not because I felt the need for a "personal savior" but because I wanted God in my life. Little did I know at the time that he was still speaking in code when he said what he did.

I know I am cranky. I will be alright in a few days. Just thought I would let some of that crankiness out for your enjoyment. I will get all mystical and abstract, or at least more gracious soon enough (I hope).

PS: I loved Greg, still do.


iceberg said...

o, so was this the time of your life when you saw the phone levitate and lived with the bank robbers?!?!?!?!

Mark Edwards said...

It was about two years after that.

iceberg said...

my spring break is this next week, and ill be in little rock. you going to be doing any bed building that i can help with?

Mark Edwards said...

Yes. We will be doing some work on Saturday. We have to set one of Crystal's beds up to bunk (we made them for singles, but the room is too small). Come on by. We also build on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 and then have some talking time from 8:30 to 9:30. You are welcome to come. We could use the help.