Been a while. Sorry, I don't follow the blog rules. That's why few follow this blog. That's okay.
At this point, I think it is time to talk about the dark side of benevolence. The weeds grow along side the wheat; goats mingle among the sheep; birds light on the branches of trees.
Trust provides means to treachery
Magnanimity empowers the inveigler
Hope nurtures the darkest temptations
Before you venture too far into the landscape of compassion, consideration needs to be given to what shares the territory. The surprise from the darkness encountered can derail the journey, just as fear prevents many from ever undertaking it in the first place.
There is a dark side to benevolence. For me, it is just as dark as my uncharitable comfort was, just not as familiar.
How do I not let the darkness prevail?
im not shure if im compleatly tracking but here goes. yes there is a dark side to it, and people will take advantage of you. it happens to me all the time, some times i think im to nice. then i think so what if they are taking advantage of me, im helping them and being kind. and i think thats all that realy maters.
i hope i am not compleatly off here. and i hope i help.
Just being obscure for your enjoyment.
Is it better to be too nice and risk being taken advantage of or to always have the upper hand and risk being uncharitable and unloving?
Can you remain generous, compassionate, and loving and minimize being taken advantage?
Maybe that is what Jesus was getting at when he said: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as serpents and as innocent as doves."
read matthew 10 verses 17-23 as well, that might help.
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