Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Transcending Platitudes 2

Words and actions both communicate.  Without getting into an either/or situation, words are probably the weaker of the two, as suggested by the proverb "actions speak louder than words."  Words by themselves are weak, and have little persuasive power, even ones that have truth behind them.  Words gain power when they are backed up by actions, when there is a congruity between what we say and what we do.  Conversely, words lose their power and can even have a negative force when there is discontinuity between what we say and what we do.  There is probably lots of agreement at this level.  The disagreements are likely to come when you flesh this out.

So in searching for words under the bridge, the baseline needs to be acting in love.  I am uninterested in words to say without the acting in love part.  I am equally uninterested in adding words to a situation where that loving action has already, and in a better way, communicated.  I am, however, interest in what words can add in situations where love is in action.  Can words add something specific to that which was spoken in the action?  Can words create a synergy with loving action that transcends both the platitudes and the quiet action?   If so, how does that work?  How do we practice this?

More later.

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