Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Beds Delivered

The beds were delivered to the Second Chance house tonight. We marked the occasion with a silent meditation where we reflected on how we recognize the presence of God in our lives. We did this with Mike, a homeless guy that was living in the house when Keith got the house, Keith, the director of Second Chance who was rescued from homelessness and drugs himself, Mark Scott, my dying friend that is using his time left to help us build beds for poor kids, and Keith, who has chosen to work side by side with me in this effort.

In my reflection, it did not take me long to see how his presence was seen. He was right there in the room with us. His work was evident in the fact that we where there in that room at time. A dying man, helping set up some beds he helped build for strangers in need. A prodigal son who had returned and was given a second chance and is now on a mission to give others less fortunate than he a second chance. A homeless man who was clean, bathed, and will be sleeping in a new, warm bed tonight being treated as an equal, fellow human being participating in meditation, silence, and talking from the heart. And the faithfulness of my partner in both the work of the hands and the work of the heart. All this with the strong impression of what these beds represent. God wanted these beds in this house. He is compassionate and was moved to alleviate the misery of men with little hope. He worked it out like he designed the kingdom to work. He moved in the hearts of generous people to give money for materials. He used attentive and obedient hearts to build the beds and give them to this ministry. His will was done here, just like it is in heaven. Holy is your name!

Isn't it amazing how this works? Just as we are celebrating the completion and delivery of these beds, yesterday I was serendipitously introduced to a single, homeless woman with 4 kids who has completed the program with the Interfaith Hospitality Network. She will be transitioning into permanent housing with no beds. She needs two bunk beds. What shall we do God? Do we have the money to build them and get them mattresses and linen? I think we are close to being out of money. Let's see what happens. We will be ready to buy more wood next week. Be attentive and obedient. What should I give? What other hearts will be prompted to give? No worry, just trust and obey.

We also need someone to meet this woman and get to more about her and her needs. We need someone who feels called in her heart to do this. We will pray.

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