Monday, February 25, 2008

Crystal's Beds

Four of the 10 head/footboards are assembled and sprayed. The 12 bed rails are assembled and sprayed. The plywood is cut. Just need to find the time to assemble the other6 head/foodboards and spray them.

Crystal and her family move in Wednesday, if all goes well. It will get done somehow because it was destined to get done. These beds were ordered for Crystal by God and paid for and built by the subjects under his kingdom rule. How that all happened and how it will get done is one of those mystical things. It involves radical giving, like a youth emptying his bank account (again). Radical intentions to obey the divine promptings in the heart. A serendipitous encounter with a homeless family. A bold, intentional effort to take on exceptional love and mercy. In fatigue, a dying man's brave resolve to do something right with the time he has left. Trusting to secure some as yet unpaid for matteress without knowing how. Move it all with some yet unknown movers.

An unlikely community. Just one thing holding it together. Without His movement it collapses under its own weight.

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